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Rank | Website | DR | Monthly Organic Traffic | Category |
1 0 | Whatmobile.com.pk https://www.whatmobile.com.pk/ | 70 | 5885006.7 | Pakistan |
2 0 | UrduPoint http://urdupoint.com/ | 75 | 5119572.31 | Pakistan |
3 0 | Geo News http://geo.tv/ | 77 | 3003285.03 | Pakistan |
4 0 | ARY News http://arynews.tv/ | 72 | 1063182.8 | Pakistan |
5 0 | Daily Pakistan http://dailypakistan.com.pk/ | 70 | 634837.06 | Pakistan |
6 0 | Pakistan Observer https://pakobserver.net/ | 71 | 613939.8 | Pakistan |
7 0 | Dunya News http://dunyanews.tv/ | 70 | 326918.24 | Pakistan |
8 0 | Business Recorder http://brecorder.com/ | 75 | 307116.77 | Pakistan |
9 0 | SegmentNext http://segmentnext.com/ | 65 | 199011.95 | Pakistan |
10 0 | The Nation (Pakistan) http://nation.com.pk/ | 76 | 166072.36 | Pakistan |
11 0 | dnd.com.pk https://dnd.com.pk/ | 51 | 157655.59 | Pakistan |
12 0 | Addictive Tips http://addictivetips.com/ | 75 | 82364 | Pakistan |
13 0 | Global Village Space http://globalvillagespace.com/ | 66 | 60064.72 | Pakistan |
14 0 | TechJuice https://www.techjuice.pk/ | 63 | 51859.67 | Pakistan |
15 0 | Paradigm Shift https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk/ | 27 | 22758.03 | Pakistan |
16 0 | The Friday Times http://thefridaytimes.com/ | 63 | 22757.74 | Pakistan |
17 0 | The Stats Zone http://thestatszone.com/ | 48 | 12631.07 | Pakistan |
18 0 | The Frontier Post http://thefrontierpost.com/ | 58 | 7039.51 | Pakistan |
19 0 | Naya Daur http://nayadaur.tv/ | 50 | 2498.15 | Pakistan |
20 0 | The Diplomatic Insight https://thediplomaticinsight.com/ | 32 | 2431.7 | Pakistan |
21 0 | Games Hedge http://gameshedge.com/ | 29 | 1605.5 | Pakistan |
22 0 | VoicePk http://voicepk.net/ | 33 | 1351.99 | Pakistan |
23 0 | Daily Balochistan Express https://www.bexpress.com.pk/ | 33 | 1300 | Pakistan |
24 0 | Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal http://pafmj.org/ | 43 | 1229.23 | Pakistan |
25 0 | Chitral times http://chitraltimes.com/ | 26 | 1180.43 | Pakistan |
26 0 | Stratheia http://stratheia.com/ | 12 | 1128.23 | Pakistan |
27 0 | The Professional Medical Journal https://theprofesional.com/index.php/tpmj | 36 | 1116.39 | Pakistan |
28 0 | Dissent Today https://dissenttoday.net/ | 6 | 487.66 | Pakistan |
29 0 | The Financial Daily https://thefinancialdaily.com/ | 42 | 270.22 | Pakistan |
30 0 | Weekly Cutting Edge http://weeklycuttingedge.com/ | 7 | 168.56 | Pakistan |
31 0 | Balochistan Voices http://balochistanvoices.com/ | 29 | 156.34 | Pakistan |
32 0 | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security http://ijcnis.org/ | 29 | 92.81 | Pakistan |
33 0 | Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry http://www.pjaec.pk/index.php/pjaec | 39 | 70.86 | Pakistan |
34 0 | Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences http://gjms.com.pk/index.php/journal | 27 | 69.73 | Pakistan |
35 0 | Pakaffairs.pk https://pakaffairs.pk/ | 7 | 47.41 | Pakistan |
36 0 | Freelancepur https://freelancepur.com/ | 31 | 26.46 | Pakistan |
37 0 | EMEA Tribune http://emeatribune.com/ | 37 | 25.68 | Pakistan |
38 0 | Defence Journal https://defencejournal.com/ | 42 | 21.51 | Pakistan |
39 0 | Pakistan Journal of Medical Research https://www.pjmr.org.pk/index.php/pjmr | 21 | 18.52 | Pakistan |
40 0 | Pakistan & Gulf Economist http://pakistaneconomist.com/ | 35 | 10.7 | Pakistan |
41 0 | netmag.pk http://netmag.pk | 30 | 7.74 | Pakistan |
42 0 | Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology https://bjpp.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/bjpp | 58 | 5.29 | Pakistan |
43 0 | Pakistan Journal of Weed Sciences Research https://www.wssp.org.pk/weed/ojs/index.php/pjwsr | 25 | 0.24 | Pakistan |
44 0 | National Herald Tribune http://dailynht.com/ | 29 | 0.02 | Pakistan |
45 0 | Invest Chronicle http://investchronicle.com/ | 33 | 0 | Pakistan |
46 0 | NewsOne Pakistan http://newsone.tv | 28 | 0 | Pakistan |
47 0 | Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies = Alam-e-Niswan = Alam-i Nisvan https://www.pakistanwomenstudies.com/pjws | 10 | 0 | Pakistan |
48 0 | Techno Tips https://technootips.com/ | 13 | 0 | Pakistan |
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