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Rank | Website | DR | Monthly Organic Traffic | Category |
1 0 | ESPN México http://espn.com.mx/ | 68 | 13694574.72 | Mexico |
2 0 | All Things Hair PH http://allthingshair.com/ | 73 | 4263098.73 | Mexico |
3 0 | Vogue México http://vogue.mx/ | 74 | 4055188.82 | Mexico |
4 0 | El Debate https://www.debate.com.mx/ | 73 | 3443269.64 | Mexico |
5 0 | Glamour México y Latinoamérica http://glamour.mx/ | 70 | 2100804.59 | Mexico |
6 0 | TV y Novelas http://tvynovelas.com/ | 51 | 596253.61 | Mexico |
7 0 | La Silla Rota https://lasillarota.com/ | 68 | 481521.55 | Mexico |
8 0 | Caras (Mexico) http://caras.com.mx/ | 52 | 304836.5 | Mexico |
9 0 | Merca2.0 http://merca20.com/ | 75 | 212920.62 | Mexico |
10 0 | El Diario Noticias de Ciudad Juárez http://diario.mx/ | 70 | 200875.89 | Mexico |
11 0 | Super Luchas http://superluchas.com/ | 48 | 194999.41 | Mexico |
12 0 | IGN Latinoamérica https://latam.ign.com/ | 88 | 164766.26 | Mexico |
13 0 | Gluc https://gluc.mx/ | 28 | 146061.56 | Mexico |
14 0 | Music Mundial https://www.musicmundial.com/ | 41 | 75942.48 | Mexico |
15 0 | Chispa https://www.chispa.tv/ | 36 | 52054.52 | Mexico |
16 0 | UDG TV https://udgtv.com/ | 53 | 38960.09 | Mexico |
17 0 | Plastics Technology México https://www.pt-mexico.com/ | 43 | 23073.66 | Mexico |
18 0 | Once Noticias Digital http://oncenoticias.digital/ | 42 | 21609.68 | Mexico |
19 0 | Aviacion Online http://aviacionline.com/ | 60 | 21084.03 | Mexico |
20 0 | La Neta Neta https://lanetaneta.com/ | 42 | 18262.13 | Mexico |
21 0 | RegeneraciónMx https://regeneracion.mx/ | 58 | 17394.46 | Mexico |
22 0 | El Fildeo https://elfildeo.com/ | 29 | 10395.58 | Mexico |
23 0 | All City Canvas https://www.allcitycanvas.com/ | 54 | 9965 | Mexico |
24 0 | BanderasNews http://banderasnews.com/ | 56 | 7697.8 | Mexico |
25 0 | Novedades de Tabasco http://novedadesdetabasco.com.mx/ | 31 | 6830.89 | Mexico |
26 0 | Pleni Lunia http://plenilunia.com/ | 40 | 5695.92 | Mexico |
27 0 | MEXICONOW https://mexico-now.com/ | 53 | 5028.58 | Mexico |
28 0 | Diario El Mundo http://diarioelmundo.com.mx | 34 | 4735.06 | Mexico |
29 0 | Investigación y Desarrollo https://invdes.com.mx/ | 51 | 4196.61 | Mexico |
30 0 | Alcance Diario https://www.alcancediario.mx/ | 19 | 3300.74 | Mexico |
31 0 | Vallarta Today https://www.vallartatoday.com/ | 31 | 2387.62 | Mexico |
32 0 | FILTER Mexico https://filtermexico.com/ | 31 | 1629.67 | Mexico |
33 0 | Salud Mental http://www.revistasaludmental.mx/index.php/salud_mental | 39 | 1397.07 | Mexico |
34 0 | Uni2Noticias https://uni2noticias.com/ | 18 | 640.68 | Mexico |
35 0 | Latitud Megalópolis https://latitudmegalopolis.com/ | 13 | 563.55 | Mexico |
36 0 | Periódico Viaje https://periodicoviaje.com/ | 43 | 368.97 | Mexico |
37 0 | Veterinary Medicine en Español https://www.vetmedicineespanol.com.mx/ | 16 | 320.8 | Mexico |
38 0 | Collectible 506 http://collectible506.com/ | 25 | 318.29 | Mexico |
39 0 | Economía Teórica y Práctica https://economiatyp.uam.mx/index.php/etyp | 75 | 254.27 | Mexico |
40 0 | Estudios Fronterizos https://ref.uabc.mx/ojs/index.php/ref | 71 | 136.82 | Mexico |
41 0 | Diario de Vallarta y Nayarit https://diariodevallarta.com/ | 31 | 79.82 | Mexico |
42 0 | Errr Magazine https://errr-magazine.com/ | 33 | 73.94 | Mexico |
43 0 | Discovery Sessions https://discoverysessions.com/ | 5 | 55.95 | Mexico |
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